Rough Places into Level Ground

What Value Do I Have?

Jackie Burns

There are times when we all ask ourselves, do I matter, or wonder what value we have. Times when circumstance brings into our lives broken relationships, divorce, unforgiveness, lonliness, job loss and any number of situations that can make us question our value. Sometimes its easy to get caught up in seeing ourselves through the eyes of others or our world and what it values. What do we do during these times, who do we go to, where do we seek comfort?

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What Value Do I Have?

There are times when we all ask ourselves, do I matter, what value do I have, or we find ourselves questioning our worth in this world. 

 We all face times when circumstance brings into our lives broken or strained relationships, divorce, unforgiveness, lack of reconciliation, loneliness, job loss and any number of situations that make us question our value. What do we do during these times? At times like this, where do we find the one who truly knows our hearts, pains, sufferings, longings and can tell us beyond the shadow of doubt our true worth, and the one who values us above all else.

Welcome to today’s podcast called, What value do I have?

Sometimes it is easy to get caught up in seeing ourselves through the eyes of others or our world and what it values. Things like money, status, prestige, image to name a few. But what if we went to the one who knew us before we were even born; to the one who thinks of us constantly; to the one we matter to so much He sent, His son, Jesus Christ to die for our sin. Our God and creator who knows us intimately and wants more than anything to have relationship with us, His children, and to give us His comfort, guidance, wisdom, and strength, as we travel through this world. These are words we have all heard, but maybe we just have not embraced them deep within ourselves. In God’s word is our truth, the truth of who we are and our value and worth. A value and worth that does not change with our emotions and circumstances.

You may be wondering how to get to a place where you know God so intimately that His words to become more meaningful than anything you know. It is not hard; God has designed it to not be hard. To begin, go to His word, read it, ask Him to help you understand what He is saying, and to make known all He wants you to know. If you are struggling to believe our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, can change your world, ask Him to help your unbelief. Our Father’s word is alive and active in our lives if we only seek it and be open to receive all God tells us He wants to give us. 

 Let me share with you a few truths from His word, truths that tell each of us how much we are worth. And I want to encourage you to go to His word and seek more of His truths and His love for you. In 1 Peter 2:9 God tells us that we, who believe in Him are a chosen people, we are His special possession, and He has called us out of darkness into His wonderful light. The Lord of the universe is telling us that He has chosen us and that we are special. In 2 Corinthians 4:6 we read more about God calling light out of darkness. He says, “let light shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to bring to light the knowledge of the glory of God on the face of Jesus Christ.” The light of Jesus which allows us to see and know God, God has placed in our hearts. God wants us to know Him so much that he has placed the light of Jesus in our hearts.

If you are reading or listening to this podcast, God is calling you. None of us come to God without first being called and then responding simply by saying, here I am, Lord, speak to me. It is in John 6:44 where Jesus tells us, “No man can come to Me unless the Father who hath sent me draws him.”

So, because we belong to God, we are inherently valuable. God calls us to Him because He wants a relationship with us, we are worth so very much. In Isaiah 30:18 we are told,” The Lord waits looking to be gracious to you and therefore He lifts Himself up, that He may have mercy on you and show loving kindness to you.”  God waits for us, and He is looking to be gracious. God is waiting for us to come to Him; He does not force Himself on us or demand we believe in Him. He waits for us to turn to Him for help, to trust Him. All our blessings, care, love, and protection from God do not come to us because of anything good we have done but because of God’s goodness, because God is waiting to show loving kindness to us.

And lastly in Zephaniah 3:17 God’s word says to us, “The Lord your God is in your midst, the mighty one, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.”  Would our God rejoice over something or someone that had little or no value?

Let our God rejoice over you, quiet you with His love, let our God comfort you with just how valuable you are. Let His love bring light to any dark circumstance or belief you may have of your unworthiness. When we begin to see ourselves through God’s eyes, we learn we have value and worth beyond any we will know on this earth. 

Thanks for joining us, and until next time, Praise God and God Bless.